Your personal speed & Power analysis
Is based on Key Performance Indicators to estimate your target performance times in 100 to 400 meters
The sprinting events from the 60m dash to the 400m dash have physiological & biomechanical demands that must be adequately trained concurrently throughout the athlete's training year. These are the key performance indicators that must be measured among all your sprint events.
1) Power
2) Acceleration
3) Max Speed (Speed Development)
4) Speed Endurance (Ability to sustain Max Speed for more extended periods)
5) Technical proficiency (Sprinting Mechanics)
With these five major key performance indicators, we can adequately measure these physiological demands by properly prescribing workouts that allow us to see the athletes' strengths, weaknesses & areas that need to be continued to be built upon through yearly training programming to enhance these five key performance areas.
Your evaluation will take place over seven days to give you proper rest & recovery between each test day. Within those seven days, you will have three testing days. This ensures that the evaluation is done with getting your best testing performances to help give Tier1Athlete a quality evaluation of your key performances.
Each testing day will be divided into Days 1, 2 & Day 3. We strongly suggest you take two recovery days before the next testing day.
Within each Day, you will enter the measurements within a Google form & upload the recorded videos.
After submitting your results, Tier1Athlete will evaluate, analyze and assess your test & put together your results in a PDF to provide to you to keep & recommendations on moving forward regarding your training.
What you will receive with your Speed & Power Analysis
1hr Zoom consultation ($200 value)
PDF of results & estimated performances
Video Analysis of videos submitted ($300 value)
Recommend training to improve performances
eight week Speed & Power Development Program ($500 value)
That is $1,000 in cost if purchased these services individually. Yet with the Speed & Power Analysis, we are throwing all those services together at one low price of $300
!Start your Speed & Analysis Today & take steps to improve your performances Now!
Training Certifications

USTFCCA Strength & Conditioning Certified

IAAF Level 5

USATF Level 1
Leave us your information, and we will call you directly to discuss your child’s specific needs and goals.
Frisco, TX 75034
Tel: 817-914-1231
"He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock and when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built."
James 6:48