How many times a week can I train?
12-18 year-olds: 2 to 3 times per week from September to May. Summers can choose to train 4 times a week.
When does training take place?
Times are subject to change based on the time of year. Please click on register now to see accurate training times.
Fall Training Sessions: 12 weeks long
September - November
Winter Training Sessions: 12 weeks long
December - February
Spring Training Sessions: 12 weeks long
Summer Training Sessions: 10 weeks long
June - first week of August
Should I come after the game or meet?
Injury is more likely when an athlete is exhausted and fatigued already, it would be best to not come right after a game or meet in order to insure your child has proper recovery. For ultimate recovery leads to better athletic performances.
Where does training take place?
Scoggins Middle School outdoor track facility
What does it cost?
$40 per session - 12 weeks of training and 2-3 sessions per week.
Drop-In training - $55
How do payments work?
All payments are done through LeagueApps, pay first-month training at registration & last two subsequent payments are automatically pulled from the debit card you provided at the time of registration.
Drop-In Training we ask for 24hr notice if the athlete will be attending a session. Payment is to take place before the training session & is paid via Zelle, CashApp or Venmo
Can you help my son or daughter get better?
Yes, we can help any athlete, become a better runner.